글쓴이: 중원대 국제생명공학연구소 김길우 (☎02, 3408-2203)
이번엔 금년 1월에 발표된 논문입니다.
Title: Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in cancer-oriented diagnosis and therapy
금번 논문은 <Nanomedicine>에 실린 실험논문으로 하버드 의대의 김형환 박사, 중원대의 김도경 박사와 함께 쓴 논문입니다. <Nanomedicine>은 임팩트팩터 6점대의 높은 인용도를 지닌 나노의학계의 저명한 저널입니다.
Abstract: The advanced fabrication and surface engineering of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) could offer excellent physiochemical features for noninvasive tumor imaging and drug delivery. The key issues of realization
of maximized selective cancer targeting of SPIONs are minimization of uptake by macrophages, preferential binding to cancerous cells over neighboring normal cells, visualization of tumor cells prior to and after treatment and triggered drug release into target cells in a controlled fashion. In this article, we summarized the current status of fabrication of multifunctional SPION-based nanodevices specially designed for cancer-oriented diagnosis and therapy, with a focus on potential malignancy-targeting ligands' identification and development as nanocarriers. A number of examples of passive and active targeting strategies-lymphoangiogenesis markers, cellular metabolite receptors, extracellular matrix component receptors, neuropeptide receptors and receptors-mediated bypass of the blood-brain barrier-are described in detail.
글쓴이: 중원대 국제생명공학연구소 김길우 (☎02, 3408-2203)
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